Sunday, March 29, 2020

Math Algebra Helps With A Negative Fraction

Math Algebra Helps With A Negative FractionThe worst thing you can do when your algebra homework has been handed to you is to take it in stride and finish it. Instead, try and learn algebra help with a negative fraction.Using negative fractions to learn algebraic problems is something many students learn while in school. However, this type of help is only offered on a limited basis. As a result, you need to schedule time to study algebra with a negative fraction.The most common idea for teaching algebra is to help students apply a mathematical concept to an example. For example, if they are working on formulas for properties of different types of liquids, they may be given a glass and asked to identify the contents. However, there is more to the process than that. Once they have identified the contents, the student should know how to multiply by two or three and then integrate the answer to arrive at the answer.Doing this is not easy as a student is trying to apply mathematical opera tions to algebraic formulas. Fortunately, there is another way to go about teaching algebraic problems. In this case, the help will give the student the understanding of how to work the formula in a certain way.The first step for students is to draw up a paper that outlines the math formula and its application. Then, each student will draw a horizontal line across the formula. The student who draws the line with the first number should learn that the first number on the formula is equal to the number on the next line. This will enable the student to find the right answer.Once the student has learned the equation for the negative fraction, they should learn to use it. After completing the mathematical operation, the student should be able to use the formulas on paper to calculate the answer. This can be done while sitting in front of a calculator, but it can also be done while studying in a class.Another great benefit of using algebra help with a negative fraction is that once the st udent learns the formula, they can continue to practice it over again. This will make the student more efficient in algebraic problems as they learn and master the knowledge in a systematic manner.If you need algebra help with a negative fraction, remember that this is only an option for those students that need to do homework. If you are using the option to supplement your own algebra lessons, you are learning algebra help with a negative fraction for free. This is the perfect option for students that want to improve their grades and are always stuck at algebra.

Friday, March 6, 2020

A Mind Needs Books Like a Sword Needs a Whetstone

A Mind Needs Books Like a Sword Needs a Whetstone A mind needs books like a sword needs a whetstone, if it is to keep its edge.  That is why I read so much. Tyrion Lannister, Game of Thrones. Tyrion Lannister is a major character of the first, second and third seasons of the popular TV series Game of Thrones. Tyrian is played by actor Peter Dinklage. Tyrion Lannister is the youngest son of Lord Tywin Lannister, and uses his wit and intellect to overcome the prejudice he faces as a dwarf. From birth his own father and sister despise him, because his mother died giving birth to him. Being a dwarf causes Tyrian problems and harassment. Its size has led him to that derisively called many things, for example, Imp and Half man. Certainly his influence, power and intelligence have a positive effect on the perception of his personality. If he was born a commoner, he would be left in the forest to die. However, Tyrion was born into a powerful noble house, and so was spared. His father does not think much of Tyrian because if his physical shortcoming. Instead, Tywin more concerned with the legacy of the name Lannister.

Changes to the KS2 curriculum - Tutor Hunt Blog

Changes to the KS2 curriculum Changes to the KS2 curriculum Changes to the KS2 curriculumPrimary schoolsKey Stage 2 defines part of the National Curriculum for pupils in year three through to year six, typically pupils aged between seven and eleven. The curriculum for KS2 has remained unchanged for a number of years - covering language and literacy, mathematics and the arts - but as of September 2014 it underwent a number of significant alterations. The changes put more focus not mathematics and English, demarcating each into various subgroups. The tests at the end of the three years focus on each new group:English Reading - reading material and answer bookEnglish Grammar, spelling and punctuation - Paper 1, short answersEnglish Grammar, spelling and punctuation - Paper 2, spellingMathematics Paper 1 - arithmeticMathematics Paper 2 - reasoningMathematics Paper 3 - further reasoning Results of the new KS2 tests will be given in scaled scores - this scoring system takes into account the difficulty of the exam: a scaled score of 50 on a hard exam might well be equal to a 70 on an easier exam. Scaled scores are designed to allow for easier comparisons between groups of pupils over time. The lowest possible score in this scaled system will be 80, while the highest will be 120. The expected score for each child will be 100 or over, with anything lower being considered a fail.Not all current year 6 students will take a science SAT - those who do will sit a physics, chemistry and biology paper. While it may sound ambitious for eleven year old pupils to be talking individual science exams, the difficulty levels are certainly appropriate for this age group, as the following sample questions show:Physics: `Predict whether two magnets will attract or repel each other, based on which way the poles are facing`Biology: `Describe the differences in the life cycle of a mammal a nd an amphibian`Chemistry: `Group a list of materials according to whether they are solid, liquid or gas` Schools participating in the KS2 science exam will be selected in May 2018. Changes to Key stage one and two are not common - many see them as the bedrock of the education system. Key stages were first formulated in the 1988 Education Reform Act, as part of the inception of the National Curriculum. There are six Keys stages in all, covering the entire span of the pre-university education range. When introduced they were simply intended to classify and demarcate the education levels of different age groups of pupils, and specified very few changes to long standing teaching practices.Key stage zero covers nursery, or reception as it is sometimes termed, applying to children aged 3-5. Key stage one covers infant school, with pupils aged 5-7. Key stage two applies to Junior school, for pupils aged 7-11. Key stage 3 begins in secondary school, for pupils aged 11-14. Key stage 4 applies to GCSE s, where pupils are aged 14-16. Key stage 5 concerns sixth form (also called Further Education ), with pupils aged 16-19. 3 years ago0Add a Comment

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Fewer Americans are Reading LiteratureDoes it Matter

Fewer Americans are Reading Literatureâ€"Does it Matter Fewer Americans are Reading Literatureâ€"Does it Matter? According to the National Endowment for the Arts,  there is a steady decline of literary reading. In fact, only 43 percent of American adults read at least one work of literatureâ€"novels, short stories, poemsâ€"each year. Between video games, tablets, streaming services and the endless trap of the Internet, it is true that there are many more distractions today than  30 years ago. So,  this leads us to our pressing question. Does it  even  matter if people are reading fewer works of literature?  In short, yes!  There’s proof that reading actual books on paper is more beneficial than  skimming  social media posts  or news updates  on digital screens. Reading literary fiction appears to  boost the quality of empathy  in the people who read it because it allows them to see the world from another person’s perspective, whether it’s the author or the character  imagined  in the  novel. And empathy isn’t the only benefit obtained from reading literature.  Check out  seven research  driven  reasons to  read  more  literature. As we wrap-up National Reading Awareness Month, there’s no better time to believe in the value of reading for your children’s  development.  Reading just twenty minutes a day can help your children  achieve new heights. Enjoyed reading this article?  Discover even more learning tips! You might also be interested in: 8 Must-Read Collections of Poetry on Kumon’s Recommended Reading List Spark a Love for Literature with These  Read-Aloud  Tips 6 Oral Reading Tips for Parents Happy Read Across America Day! Kick-off National Reading Month by Celebrating Dr. Seuss’ Birthday With These Fun Activities Fewer Americans are Reading Literatureâ€"Does it Matter Fewer Americans are Reading Literatureâ€"Does it Matter? According to the National Endowment for the Arts,  there is a steady decline of literary reading. In fact, only 43 percent of American adults read at least one work of literatureâ€"novels, short stories, poemsâ€"each year. Between video games, tablets, streaming services and the endless trap of the Internet, it is true that there are many more distractions today than  30 years ago. So,  this leads us to our pressing question. Does it  even  matter if people are reading fewer works of literature?  In short, yes!  There’s proof that reading actual books on paper is more beneficial than  skimming  social media posts  or news updates  on digital screens. Reading literary fiction appears to  boost the quality of empathy  in the people who read it because it allows them to see the world from another person’s perspective, whether it’s the author or the character  imagined  in the  novel. And empathy isn’t the only benefit obtained from reading literature.  Check out  seven research  driven  reasons to  read  more  literature. As we wrap-up National Reading Awareness Month, there’s no better time to believe in the value of reading for your children’s  development.  Reading just twenty minutes a day can help your children  achieve new heights. Enjoyed reading this article?  Discover even more learning tips! You might also be interested in: 8 Must-Read Collections of Poetry on Kumon’s Recommended Reading List Spark a Love for Literature with These  Read-Aloud  Tips 6 Oral Reading Tips for Parents Happy Read Across America Day! Kick-off National Reading Month by Celebrating Dr. Seuss’ Birthday With These Fun Activities

Real Chemistry Luminous 3-Minute Peel Review

Real Chemistry Luminous 3-Minute Peel ReviewYou're probably aware that you need to make the right choice when it comes to your moisturizer. And that's especially true if you have a skin condition that includes dryness, inflammation, and sensitivity. A good moisturizer is one that will address all of these problems and keep them from coming back.So, as you might already know, the role of oil in your skin's oiliness can be two-fold. It first provides moisture to the skin and it also works to protect the surface of the skin from the elements, including sun damage and wind. But, it also does more than that.Moisturizers are not just about how they moisturize your skin. They're also used to give skin that normal shine that we all want to prevent the signs of aging, to diminish or even reverse lines and wrinkles, and to bring younger looking skin. That's why many skin care experts also consider it a very important step in a skin care routine.And that's what makes the Real Chemistry products so special. The vitamins, antioxidants, and proteins that make up the ingredients in this product are what make it a particularly effective way to combat all of the issues that you face. And with the three-minute peel, the effects don't last long at all. At the very least, it will leave your skin feeling smooth and soft for a very short time.One of the main reasons that Real Chemistry products are so successful is that they contain no alcohols. Instead, the ingredients they use are all natural and all known to work well to repair damage caused by the elements. When used with oil, this healing process can be quite potent.But what truly setsReal Chemistry apart from other moisturizers on the market is the fact that their line of products also contains avocado oil. This oil is rich in vitamins and antioxidants that are vital to your skin's overall health. And because it also contains vital protein content, it can also be used to reduce lines and wrinkles and even reverse signs of agin g.As you can see, this product isn't just another moisturizer. It's one that can benefit your skin without all of the harsh ingredients that can cause irritation and dryness. Make sure that you choose the real chemistry products that you need to get the results that you want, both now and in the future.

Book To Help Learn Algebra

Book To Help Learn AlgebraIf you want to learn how to do math, but just don't have time to devote to the subject, consider a book that teaches how to do it at home. I mean, isn't it great that you can learn how to do math online, with practically no investment of your time?If you want to learn how to do math at home, you need to find a text that is challenging and interesting, and doesn't overwork your head! This is a book that will guide you through the steps of learning the basics of algebra.You see, a typical text book on algebra focuses on one step at a time, and in most cases does so very briefly. They are typically three or four chapters, and even these get pushed to the back of the book.When you are learning how to do math at home, you should be able to take as much time as you need to grasp the concepts. The book that will help you learn how to do it online doesn't want you to think about algebra. Instead, it wants you to start thinking about multiplication and any of the oth er numbers that make up algebra.This book will help you understand what you have read, and you will use the information to make the new information fit in better with what you already know. Instead of sitting and looking at a page of text, you will have a page of pictures with additional definitions, equations, and diagrams.Instead of reading a long paragraph, you will be in the position of listening to a teacher that will guide you through the process. Most students learn better when they are moving forward, not back, so when you have a book that will help you learn how to do math, you will be well on your way to accomplishing the tasks at hand.Another thing that will help you learn how to do math at home is to be able to access the internet from your own computer. There are several books on the market, and some are even found online. The internet is a fantastic tool for a student and the learning materials offered online are excellent.

What Is The History Of Pilates

What Is The History Of Pilates What Is The Origin Of Pilates? ChaptersThe Father of PilatesWhat is Pilates?The Principles Of PilatesHow Pilates Grew Into An International PhenomenonNo matter where you live in the world, if you are interested in fitness and being healthy, you have heard about Pilates. You may have even been to a few classes and tried your hand at some of the postures. But although Pilates is an acclaimed practice of exercise that is well known all over the world, not many people know how Pilates started and why. Let’s investigate that today and use the knowledge to further our practice as Pilates practitioners. CarleyYoga Teacher 5.00 (5) £100/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors GenYoga Teacher £45/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JulieYoga Teacher £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors LynnYoga Teacher 4.89 (9) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AliceYoga Teacher £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors LauraYoga Teacher 5.00 (6) £70/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors UndramYoga Teacher £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors LottieYoga Teacher £10/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsThe Father of PilatesJoseph Pilates was a physical trainer from Germany. As you might have guessed from his name. Joseph invented Pilates and named it after himself, which is the short version of the events that lead to Joseph creating this now a popular form of exercise.The detailed version is that as a child Joseph suffered from many ailments and was often unwell. Determined to change his fate Joseph set about creating his own rehabilitation. Dedicating himself to the study and practice of exercise. He studied exercise from the east such as yoga, tai chi, Zen practices and martial arts and exercises from the west such as gymnastics, self-defence and boxing.As he gained notoriety for his skills, he had the opportunity to travel to the USA and England. Joseph was working in England at the time of the First World War and was detained in an enemy camp for being German . This seems like a sad event to pass in such a talented man’s life, but it was within this camp that Joseph invented Pilates.Interested in the idea of exercise which balances the mind and body, Joseph tested his theories on other detainees, and when he had the opportunity to work as a nurse, he was also able to test this on bedridden and wounded soldiers.After the war, Joseph was released and moved back to Germany and later back to the USA. The Pilates method was shared and found initial popularly with dancers including modern dance schools and the ballet community. Because of its focus on better posture, body alignment, core strength, muscle tone and ability to alleviate injuries.Joseph Pilates opens his first studio in New York City in 1923, he had originally called the method ‘Controlology’. Until it was thankfully changed to Pilates sometime later. It is the students that were trained initially by Joseph at this studio in New York. That became specialized in the practice and helped to spread the awareness of Pilates around the world by opening their own studios.Check out different lessons on yoga near me.Being precise, present and fully aware in your practice is imperative to the engaging the movements correctly. Photo Source: UnsplashWhat is Pilates?Pilates is resistance exercise which brings together the body and mind to improve core strength, mental focus, body alignment, the range of motion, body awareness. The benefits of Pilates leads to a balanced body, improved posture, a stronger mind-body connection and excellent overall health. Pilates is suitable for all people on the planet.The Principles Of PilatesPilates was created to be a philosophy and a wellness method, rather than just a way of exercising. It uses the precision of movement and gives emphasis to balanced awareness. The method incorporates movements which are uniformly followed, and these movements are based upon a set of principles. It is these principles that secured the Pilates method as anMindful breathing is one of the most important parts of the practice of Pilates. Photo Source: Unsplashimportant range of motion and set it apart from other exercise programs.The Essential Principles Of PilatesThe Centring PrincipleIn Pilates the centre of the body is known as the core or powerhouse, it is the area between the lower ribs and the pubic bone. It is at this point that many Pilate’s exercises originate from. The principle of centring concentrates on restoring and maintaining your physical core strength while simultaneously invigorating your spiritual centre.The Concentration PrincipleBeing precise, present and fully aware in your practice is imperative to the engaging the movements correctly. You should move with purpose and forethought about what it is that you are doing. As you empower your practice by being fully present, you will find it easier to overcome any physical condition.The Control PrincipleWhen doing Pilates, you should be moving your body wi th deliberate movement. No part of the body is left to do as it pleases. This body control is devised to increase body health, decrease injuries and restore the awareness that we have of our bodies. When adopted with the other principles and used within your practice you will find the control to be essential to your ability to your vitality.The Precision PrincipleThis is one of the main goals for Pilates because when you can bring precision to your movements, you will find that you can integrate and maximise your mind and body synchronisation much more easily. Precision leads on from concentrations but goes further because it encourages you to look at the precise position of each posture and see how each part of your body relates to the other parts while in the position.Search for yoga near me and start now.The Breath PrincipleMindful breathing is one of the most important parts of the practice of Pilates. Proper breathing engages our abdominal core muscles, which invigorates the bo dy. Adding deep breathing to your Pilates practice or any physical exercise will strengthen your workouts. Improve the precision of your coordination, intensify your endurance and transform your exercise program.The Flow PrinciplePilates incorporates fluid and continuous movement, to support the idea that each posture has a beginning and an end. When you concentrate on how to do each posture you will learn the natural start and end point for each exercise. This flow gives you a full body workout as you move with grace and discipline. This engagement in the movement from head to toe is complementary to the flow that is taking place in your mind. When you are calm and present, you will find this much easier than when you are stressed and tense. Going with the flow of movement and with the flow of your mind, is another area that body and mind connect in Pilates.In Pilates the centre of the body is known as the core or powerhouse. Photo Source: UnsplashThe Additional Principles Of Pilat esThe principle of Harmony â€" Allows for the seeking of harmony within your body, mind and spirit. The focus of harmony while practising Pilates is the path to creating a balanced body. There is never any need to push too hard or go against the natural movement that your body can make. You decide how far you can go in each exercise by being aware and present.The principle of Efficiency â€" Allows us to be aware of our anatomy and correctly engage the right muscles groups for each exercise. When we know that it is our hamstrings that need to relax we can focus on neutralising the blockage to our vitality.The principle of Balance â€" Allows us to bring together all of the principles of Pilates. Here we can focus on alleviating any imbalances within the body. Being in balance from head to toe means being willing to accomplish all of the principles within your Pilates practice.The principle of Awareness â€" Allows us to explore the body and the mind while taking part in the flow of mov ement and specific exercises. Not just being aware of how you are moving but also being aware of your mental processes while you are moving. Having awareness about how your body is moving within the practice so that you can correct and improve consistently.How Pilates Grew Into An International PhenomenonAfter Joseph Pilates died, the practice of Pilates was continued by his top students. The students opened their own studios, and some tweaked the method to suit their interpretation of Pilates. One student brought his experience as a dancer to the practice and gave greater focus to the flow that we see practised today.Students opened schools all over the USA and the world, but the most notable studio was opened in Los Angeles, USA. It was this LA studio that quickly became popular with Hollywood celebrities. As they began to talk about the amazing effects of Pilates in their lives more and more celebrities joined in with the movement. Before too long the media caught on to the new c raze called ‘Pilates’, and they began to feature and publicise the practice heavily in various mediums. That was the point of take-off for Pilates and news spread from LA to the USA to the world.Pilates was invented around 100 years ago, the first studio opened around 95 years ago, and it went viral around 40 years ago. Since then it has grown to be practised by millions of people worldwide, from housewives to CEOs, from Athletes to scientists, from children to old people, flexible people to inflexible people. There is no barrier to begin Pilates which makes it a genuinely universal discipline.Joseph Pilates once said that he thought he was ahead of his time. It is clear that if Joseph Pilates were alive today that he would be one of the wealthiest and most successful fitness professionals on the planet. Like many of the old greats, Joseph was a genius, whose commitment to wellness, body awareness and mindful balance has left a lasting legacy for the rest of us to enjoy.Thank yo u, Mr Pilates!